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Откройте для себя горы Высокого Атласа с высоты птичьего полета!



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Описание полета:
Off to Asni departing from Marrakech Menara airport or our private helipad at Heliconia Park Ourika road in the south of the city. After passing the dam and the lake of Lalla Takerkoust, you hover over the canyons and the Asni Valley, passing by Imlil and Oukaimeden for a return to the Red City through the foothills of the High Atlas.

With an hour's flight, this tour allows you to string together a multitude of different and unique landscapes to the image of a multicolored Morocco.Helipad arrival and departure: Marrakech Menara Airport or Heliconia Park Destination and Asni and the Asni Valley.

The means used are not only a technical perspective, with an impeccable hi-tech fleet and service facilities , but also human and logistical resources unparalleled in Morocco.Composed of six helicopters, the fleet of Heliconia Aero Solutions is the largest in North Africa, it is framed by a technical team performance with respect and under the control of European standards.


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